About Us Europe | spikeballeurope
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Our Story

I launched Spikeball Inc in 2008 with no real clue about starting a business, let alone launching a new sport. Yet, here we are with 4+ million players (all over the world), 40 full-time employees, 150+ tournaments every year, and tons of love from Shark Tank, Casey Neistat, Dude Perfect, The Today Show, Inc Magazine, countless professional athletes and celebrities.


Our first ‘warehouse’ was my basement and could fit about 72 sets in my beat up, 1998 Outback (may it rest in peace). 5 years later, in 2013, we hit $1 million in annual revenue with zero full-time employees. We’re headquartered in Chicago but most of our employees live all over the US. We’re firm believers in live where you want just do good work. The mission of the company is to create the next great global sport. With that said, THANK YOU for joining me on this ride. Hopefully I'll see you at a tournament soon.


To bring people together through

competition and fun


To be the model for how great sports are built

Our Values

1) Have fun.

2) Trust. Give it until you shouldn't.

3) Be optimistic.

4) Go big. Failure is part of success.

5) Listen. Improve. Always be learning.

6) Be proactive. Embrace change and status the challenge quo when necessary.

7) Surprise and delight.

8) Be intentionally inclusive.

9) Own it.

10) Don't be a jerk. See above.

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